Corey Mitchell

Web Developer - Music Producer - All Around Fun Guy!



I am a musician at heart! Music's slow transition to digital over analog led me to start making music through a digital interface and learning the intricacies of sound manipulation. At some point, however, I realized some limitations within the interface and became curious on how I could push those limitations. I then quickly discovered that in order to push any limits in a direction that I found desirable, I would have to learn how the program functioned and that is what brought me into the field of computer programming.

The tedious and constant troubleshooting actually feels much like creating music through a digital interface. In a way, it felt as though I had been doing it my whole life. As my instructor once said, "Art is hours of my time compressed into minutes for you". This feeling is what made me want to pursue programming as a career, a rewarding and creative outlet that is actually lucrative! Sign me up!

My ambition with web development is to have a personal skill that I can apply in a professional and recreational environment, to further my career and my hobbies!

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Spotify - Movie Playlist

Spotify Logo GIF

Utilizes OMDb API to find soundtrack info from user submitted movie then creates a spotify playlist out of said tracklist. You MUST have a Spotify account to use this application.

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap and JavaScript w/ jQuery

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Friend Finder

Mac and Cheese friends with benefits GIF

Answer a short ten question survey and be matched up with a new friend!

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap, JavaScript w/ jQuery, Node.js and Express.js

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KXAN Article Scraper

Breaking News GIF

This application scrapes current Austin local news from KXAN and stores the articles in a database. It stores the article, along with the article link and a short summary of the article, and allows the user to save, comment on or delete the current articles.

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap, JavaScript w/ jQuery, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB w/ Mongoose and Handlebars.js

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Gorillaz Memory Game

2D from Gorillaz nodding GIF

A simple, but addictive, Gorillaz centered memory game built using React.

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js and React.js

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Anime Trivia Game

Anime Character Annoyed by Resposibilities GIF

Test your anime knowledge with this Anime Trivia Game!

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap and JavaScript w/ jQuery

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Giphy API


This project is an anime GIF generator that utilizes Giphy's API. There is a list of animes that are pregenerated, but you may submit your own to see what comes up. Don't feel obligated to limit yourself to anime, play around and see what cool GIFs you can discover!

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap and JavaScript w/ jQuery

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Eat Muh Burger

Burger animation GIF

A restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat. The input will be stored in a JawDB/MySQL database. The user may then choose to eat the burger, which changes the state of the burgers data to 'devoured'.

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap, JavaScript w/ jQuery, Node.js, Express.js and MySQL w/ Sequelize

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Crystals Collector

Crystal Floating in Hands GIF

Click on the crystals and try to add their values together to match the randomly generated number. Good Luck!

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap and JavaScript w/ jQuery

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Train Scheduler

Train moving GIF

A simple application for scheduling train arrivals. Built to learn Firebase and Moment.js, this application allows the user to input a train name, departure of the first train (in military time) and the frequency of trains in order to calculate the arrival time of the next train in minutes.

Technologies Utilized: HTML, CSS w/ Bootstrap, JavaScript w/ jQuery, Moment.JS and Firebase DB

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